Make Yourself A Cup of Lemon Green Tea

We hope you are all feeling well under the hot weather. While you might be searching for a refreshing drink to gain energy, we highly recommend you to try the lemon/ orange green tea with our special recipe. It has a light and delicate flavor that is utterly thirst quenching. Here is the recipe (you can adjust the ratio as needed).

Step 1: Bring 1000ml water to a boil, add 1-2 ice to cool down the water temperature.

Step 2: Add twenty grams of green tea (we would recommend you use either our Huangshan Maofeng Green or our West Lake Longjing) into the hot water, and add another 320 grams of ice, brew for five minutes.

Step 3: Then add 200-300 ml green tea soup into each cup, add 50 ml of honey, stir well.

Step 4: Add 2 slices of lemon or orange and fill the bottle with ice!

Drinking lemon/ orange green tea is very soothing. It contains a lot of antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and ferulic acid that play key roles in health and disease. And it may protect against chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. It would be a good choice to make yourself a cup of lemon/ orange green tea at any time of the day. This summer, we went to USC campus to give out our hand-made Lemonade green tea with our Huangshan Maofeng tea. People who received it gave us very good feedback. Hope you will also enjoy it when you make a try!

*Although we try our best to cite information from reputable sources, we strongly advise you to fact check the information you read in our blog posts to ensure that there are no components that you have known allergies/adverse reactions to. This blog is not a doctor prescription.

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